Small business Harley Bear’s Coco Bites make organic, healthy coconut oil treats that your dog will go nuts for. All treats and balms are handmade to order and never mass-produced.
Find Harley Bear’s Coco Bites online here.
Small business Harley Bear’s Coco Bites make organic, healthy coconut oil treats that your dog will go nuts for. All treats and balms are handmade to order and never mass-produced.
Find Harley Bear’s Coco Bites online here.
Liz Jeffery is the proud owner of Faversham Monopoly.
Monopoly is a game that has been around for decades and is loved by many families across the globe, and now Faversham has its own version! Complete with local businesses, popular roads, landmarks and more. Keep up to date with the project on their social media where they hold regular competitions and votes. Soon to be released in 2023.
Facebook –
Instagram – @favopoly
Jason Cox is a local illustrator who runs Atomic Squib. He specialises in cartoons, vector illustration, and traditional drawing. Limited edition prints and posters are available on his website.
Email – [email protected]
Website –