How a local business responded to government lockdown

“Businesses and people joining together to help the community.”
mariners oare

By Sarah Simmonds, Manager at The Three Mariners Oare

“Businesses and people joining together to help the community.”

When the government announced the closure of hospitality businesses, our immediate thoughts were of those who live in the community that would need our help and support.

Long story short – here’s how two businesses merged to help the people of Faversham and its surrounding villages.

How it all started

Urban Architectural Salvage is another local company which operates an online platform for furniture sales. As The Three Mariners did not have the resources and time to suddenly convert to online sales, Urban, which is a like-minded community business, offered to help.

The idea was to help people avoid busy places and to offer TLC to the community by delivering shopping and home cooked nutritional meals to people’s doorstep.

So overnight the furniture disappeared and local produce and homemade dishes made their way through cyber space and arriving at people’s doors the next day.

Learning fast on peoples tastes, logistics and product availability.  What a learning curve for us all!

Fast forward to now

The roads are starting to become busier and the online orders for fresh produce are slowing. So, we have concluded that everyone has had enough of cooking at home and are missing their favourite restaurant dishes.

This has led the staff at The Three Mariners to developing a weekly changing menu offering dishes that our customers miss and wouldn’t cook at home. So we have introducing Fishy Friday, gourmet rolled dough on a Saturday, three course Sunday lunch & Smokin’ Wednesday (the smoker gets smoking!).

To conclude

A massive thank you to all those who order from us and keep us going, in order for us to keep helping you.

We are ‘In Oare’, of our customers, our volunteers, our community and of course the NHS and all frontline workers.

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